Nigel Gardner • Feb 18, 2018

New Law on Data Protection - 25th May 2018

At Aspire Coaching Limited we take your privacy very seriously.
You will notice on our booking form and also on our paper booking forms there will now be an 'OPT IN' option to select if you wish to receive details on our future courses. If you require further information or would like to see our Privacy Policy then please contact us on info@aspirecoaching.org.uk

By Nigel Gardner 12 Jun, 2020
2020 has so far been an extraordinary year, but we hoping things turn ordinary in time for the school summer holidays We aren't entirely sure what we will be able to do yet, but we have made provisions in case the ordinary is possible and also if it is not We predict to be able to run our summer holiday courses in some capacity but these will probably be with limited numbers to the facility we are using. We hope people will be able to book and children will be able to mix but there is a strong likelihood that we will create age specific groups with a limited numbers in each group and these groups won't mix on a daily basis As things currently stand we can have a coach to a group 5 children and those children can't mix with another group of 5 and must socially distance from each other even within their group. This is difficult for us and the children but something we will do if needs must. We may have 'Bubble' bookings where you will be responsible for getting a group of 5 children together and boo as a whole and they remain in this 'Bubble' similar to schools practice at the moment. We will always have child safety and hygiene practices in place at all of our venues and conform to Government guidance at all times We promise to let you know as soon as we do and bookings will go live as soon as possible. We will wait a few weeks to see if there is any relaxation to enable more children to attend In the meantime our current plan is MONDAY 20th to FRIDAY 24th JULY - MULTI-SPORTS AT ROGATE VILLAGE HALL - COURSE 1 MONDAY 27th to FRIDAY 31st JULY - MULTI-SPORTS AT ROGATE VILLAGE HALL - COURSE 2 MONDAY 3rd to FRIDAY 7th AUGUST - FOOTBALL AT LOVE LANE PLAYING FIELDS, PETERSFIELD - COURSE 1 MONDAY 17th to FRIDAY 21st AUGUST - FOOTBALL AT LOVE LANE PLAYING FIELDS, PETERSFIELD - COURSE 2 MONDAY 10th to FRIDAY 14th AUGUST - MULTI-SPORTS AT BURITON VILLAGE HALL - COURSE 1 MONDAY 24th & TUESDAY 25th AUGUST - MULTI-SPORTS AT BURITON VILLAGE HALL - COURSE 2 We also hope to do something at Easebourne Primary School near Midhurst for 22nd to 24th July and are at this time trying to confirm a booking with them. Look after yourselves and we hope to see you soon
By Nigel Gardner 11 Apr, 2020
Firstly we hope you and your families are safe, healthy and well. Here at Aspire we have tried to remain busy and put together a set of activities that you can try at home if you are running out of ideas. There is a big variety of physical and non-physical activities, challenges and quizzes that can help educationally as well. Hopefully they give you some inspiration We have continued to work in some of our schools delivering PE to critical and key worker children who have remained in schools. We have cleaned, tidied and organised PE sheds and school premises We have donated the Easter Eggs we had for our holiday courses to local causes. These include West Meon Primary School pupil premium and key worker children, The Salvation Army who are donating to Home-Start Butser and the Petersfield Food Bank and we have also donated to Danny the Dinosaur who has been discoing and dancing around the streets of Petersfield. We have put some videos and some of the ideas on our Facebook page so give us follow if you don't already We hope to come through this period of uncertainty and want to let you know we are here for you if there is anything else you need. If you need answers to the quizzes or would prefer the contents emailed - please feel free to contact me on nigel.g@aspirecoaching.org.uk Look after yourselves and take care Nigel & the Aspire Team
By Nigel Gardner 12 Feb, 2020
Our Multi-Sports Course at Rogate Village Hall is now fully subscribed for Monday 17th February 2020. We can no longer take any more bookings Apologies for any inconvenience We have other course running, please visit the bookings pages for more information
By Nigel Gardner 10 Nov, 2018
We have extended the length of our Holiday Course Days with a 9am start
By Nigel Gardner 18 Feb, 2018
How we have helped the sporting and educational community the last few months
By Nigel Gardner 18 Feb, 2018
Rewarding pupils who work hard in school
By Nigel Gardner 18 Feb, 2018
General Data Protection Regulation
By Barry Parker 01 Oct, 2016
All of the latest news, updates and events attended by Aspire Coaching.
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